Application & Tenant Forms

Residential Tenancy Application Form

Total incl. children

ex: 2 Years, 6 Months

ex: 2 Years, 6 Months

Upload Minimum 2 Months Playslip

Last 3 Months Bank Statement


I hereby offer to rent the property from the owner under a lease to be prepared by the Agent. Should this application be accepted by the landiord i agree to enter Into a Residential Tenancy Agreement. 1 acknowledge that this application is subject to the approval of the owner/ landiord. I declare that all information contained in this application (including the reverse side) is true and correct and given of my own free will. I declare that I have Inspected the premises and am not bankrupt. I authorise the Agent to obtain personal Information from: (a) The owner or the Agent of my current or previous residence: (b) My personal referees and employer/s: (c) Any record listing or database of defaults by tenants such as NTD, TICA or TRA for the purpose of checking your tenancy history, I am aware that i may access my personal information by contacting - ā€¢ NTD: 1300 563 826 ā€¢ TRA: (02) 9363 9244 ā€¢ TICA: 1902 220 346 If 1 default under a rental agreement, I agree that the Agent may disclose details of any such default to a tenancy default database, and to agents/ landlords of properties I may apply for in the future. I am aware that the Agent will use and disclose my personal information in order to: (a) communicate with the owner and select a tenant (b) prepare lease/tenancy documents (c) allow tradespeople or equivalent organisations to contact me (d) lodge/claim/transfer to/from a Bond Authority (e) refer to Tribunals/Courts & Statutory Authorities (where applicable) (1) refer to collection agents/lawyers (where applicable) (g) complete a credit check with NTD (National Tenancies Database) |
TICA Statement & Privacy Act Acknowledgement Form As the TICA Group may collect personal information about you, the following information about the TICA Group is provided in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988. TICA Data Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 70 638 779 521) is a tenancy database that records tenantsā€™ personal information from its members including tenancy application enquiries and tenancy history. If a member chooses to run a check through the TICA System for risk management purposes, this may result in information being disclosed on your previous rental history; also, your current and future managing agent/landlord being advised of your applications. TICA Assist Pty Ltd (ABN 28 137 488 503) is a database Agent that records information from Debt Collection Agencies, Mercantile Agents, Credit Providers, associated industries and related persons. In accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles you are entitled to have access to any personal information that we may hold on any of our databases. To obtain your information from the TICA Group proof of identity will be required and can be made by any of the following ways Mail: TICA Public Inquiries PO BOX 120, CONCORD NSW 2137 a fee of $19.80 Online: My TICA File provides instant access via the internet for 12 months a $55.00 subscription fee applies. All pricing includes GST. Primary Purpose The TICA Group collects information from its members and provides such information to other members as a risk management system for the purpose of assessing a tenancy application. The TICA Group does not provide any information that it collects to any other individual or organisation other than its own group of companies for any other purpose other than assessing a tenancy application or risk management system or locating system other than government departments and or agencies allowed by law to obtain information from the TICA Group. The personal information that the TICA Group may hold is as follows Name, date of birth, driverā€™s license number, proof of age card number and or passport number (except Australian), photographic proof, email address, occupation, employer (including address and phone), self employment details (including business name and ACN/ABN/ARBN), telephone number (including mobile) and address at time of making a tenancy application, comments made by a TICA member in relation to your tenancy, which members you rented through and which members you applied to and which members are seeking you. Further Information about TICA Full details about TICAā€™s Privacy Policies and its deletion timeframe policies can be found on TICAā€™s website at under Tenant Information and Privacy. If the applicant/s personal information is not provided to The TICA Group the member may not proceed with assessing the application and the applicant/s may not be provided with the rental property. XT-741-16932176 Copyright Privacy Act Acknowledgement Form for Tenant Applicants & Approved Occupants Tenant Current Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Fax: ______________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________ As a professional asset manager, the Agent collects personal information about you. The information collected can be accessed by you by contacting our office on the above numbers or addresses. Primary Purpose Before a tenancy is accepted the Agent collects your personal information for the primary purpose of assessing the risk to our clients in providing you with a property you have requested to rent and if considered acceptable provide you with a tenancy for the property. In order to assess your application, the Agent may disclose your personal information to all or any of the following: ā€¢ The Lessor / Owners for approval or rejection of your application ā€¢ TICA Data Solutions Pty Ltd and TICA Assist Pty Ltd to record details of your application for tenancy with the Agent and assess the risk to our clients and verify the details provided in your application. ā€¢ Referees to validate information supplied in your application ā€¢ Other Real Estate Agents or asset managers to assess the risk to our clients The Agent may also consider any information that is disclosed to us by TICA relating to attempts by Debt Collection Agencies, Credit Providers and related person to contact or locate you. Secondary Purpose The Agent also has several secondary purposes for collecting your information. These purposes are related to your tenancy and as such, will only become applicable if your application for this property is successful. During and after the tenancy the Agent may disclose your personal information to ā€¢ Tradespeople to contact you for repairs and maintenance of the property; ā€¢ Tribunals or Courts having jurisdiction seeking orders or remedies; ā€¢ Debt Collection Agencies, Credit Providers and related persons to permit them to contact or locate you; ā€¢ TICA Data Solutions Pty Ltd to record details of your tenancy history; ā€¢ Lessors / Owners insurer in the event of an insurance claim; ā€¢ Future rental references to other asset managers / owners. In the event of a successful tenancy application the applicantā€™s personal information may be recorded in the Agentā€™s TICA Virtual Manager System, which will allow the Agent to be advised of any future tenancy applications for the purpose of skip tracing. Information regarding our data deletion practices can be advised should you wish. The TICA Virtual Manager program will monitor your tenancy applications as part of our Risk Management procedures to protect our landlordā€™s exposure. The monitoring of your tenancy applications is not a listing on the TICA Tenancy History database. This information is information that would be available to the Agent on a truthfully completed tenancy application form. This form provides information about how we the below named agent handle your personal information, as required by the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 and seeks your consent to disclosures to the TICA Group of companies (TICA) in specified circumstances. If you do not consent to the disclosure of your personal information to TICA we cannot process your application. Agency Name: GD Realty Pty Ltd (Herein referred to as the ā€œAgentā€) XT-741-16932176 Copyright If you fail to provide your personal information and do not consent to the uses set out above the Agent cannot properly assess the risk to our client or carry out our duties as an asset manager. Consequently the Agent cannot provide you with the property you requested to rent.